All players are registered with Prince George’s County Boys Girls Club (PGCBGC) for purposes of the organization as well as secondary insurance through the club participation. Parents are required to complete a Greenbelt Boys and Girls Club registration form from TeamSnap that must be accompanied by a proof of identity card to be obtained from the Motor Vehicle Administration.
GBGC serves the residents of the city of Greenbelt and others are welcome. General Membership is provided based on county-set boundaries for the city of Greenbelt and having a child to participate in the Club sports programs. This offer is extended to other cities since Prince George’s Boys and Girls Club opened the borders for all. Honorary and Special Memberships are available through approval from the Board of Directors. Youth Membership is provided to all youths that live in or outside the city of Greenbelt.
Our kids expect to have fun, learn a sport(s), compete with other kids, and develop individual and team skills. Our Club has a young, growing talent pool of players, experienced coaches, good fields, a supportive Board of Directors, a healthy environment, and good parental support. We are fortunate to have a vibrant innovative organization, which offers a complete year-round program for casual and committed sports players.
Our success can be measured by the retention of players, increasing numbers of teams and levels of play, team success in competition at the local and county level, and the visible support of our community.
GBGC offers the following programs to youth ages 5 to 16 years: Basketball, Cheerleading, Tackle Football, Kickball, Spring & Fall Soccer and Greenbelt Track.

The Greenbelt Boys and Girls Club basketball program provides recreational basketball opportunities to boys and girls ages 8 to 20. The program develops basic basketball skills that are used in games. Some of those skills include: dribbling, shooting, learning the rules, defensive principles, etc.

The Greenbelt Boys and Girls club cheerleading program is divided into two programs for ages 3-18. Our commissioner is a former Catholic University and Washington Commander cheerleader. We offer a competitive team and a sideline team. The competitive team has been national and local champions.

Tackle Football
Greenbelt tackle football starts from ages 6 to 14 years of age. The child's age as of July 31st of the current year determines the team that they are assigned to. Parents must provide their child(ren) with the appropriate football equipment including: football cleats (metal spikes not permitted), black 7-piece pad set, and a mouthpiece.

Kickball runs from June thru August. This is one of the newest sports that we offer to our participants. The age range for this sport is ages six years old to 14 years old. Each team requires 8-10 players and a rubber ball.

Fall and Spring Soccer
The Greenbelt Boys & Girls Club Soccer program provides recreational soccer opportunities to boys and girls ages 6 to 14. The program focuses on developing the foundation skills of soccer (dribbling, ball control, turning, shooting, passing, and heading) and on learning the rules of the game, while promoting fun, ...

Greenbelt Track and Field
Greenbelt Boys and Girls Club is a Track & Field program aimed at educating youth and parents about the positive results that come from a youth involved in a sport that encompasses all other athletic sports. Track and field is the fundamental key to all sports such as football, basketball, baseball, soccer, etc.